Tyra Banks –  $110 Million  –  Ice Cream

Model and ultimate fashion icon Tyra Banks has been slowly making her way to the top. With her rise to fame, she has transformed the standards of Hollywood beauty and has introduced so many young people to their dreams. With all that she has done for the modeling and fashion industry and her stay in the TV industry, she has amassed quite a lot. Her huge net worth of $110 million would be quite a waste if she just let it sit.

With her great money management skills, she managed to start up multiple business ventures along with her career in entertainment. One of her businesses is an ice cream company. Her love for fashion is apparently equal to her love of all things sweet. Her “smize” signature in America’s Next Top Model was the central theme and the name of her company. “Smize” means to smile with your eyes, and truly, those who have a cup of Smize Cream end up with sparkling eyes.
