Ryan Seacrest – $450 Million  –  Gadgets

Ryan Seacrest is a very popular media personality who is now a household name in Hollywood. Seemingly always to get the latest and the hottest topics of the day, many turn to him for the next big thing. On top of that, he is also the host of all the huge shows. His presence in Hollywood has definitely made him known and very rich over the last few years.

With his gigantic net worth, he decided to invest his money in a product that was cool years ago but considered obsolete today. He placed his funds on Typo, a keyboard attachment product that you could use for touchscreen phones. It was great for a while, and because Typo products were used by Apple users mostly, its competitor BlackBerry did not like it. Lawyers were involved in the whole process and BlackBerry sued Ryan’s company for patent infringement. Because of this, Typo no longer made and sold the keyboard attachments for small screens. However, with his career still ongoing, the size of Ryan’s net worth will increase in the years to come.
